The conversation about sustainability is changing. Once thought to be a lofty goal to aspire to, sustainability has now taken on a new identity as a strategic approach to drastically lowering operating costs. Join PBK’s Jeff Johnson and LEAF Engineers’ Rex Wang as they discuss how incorporating sustainable strategies into your building’s design and engineering can have a positive impact on the environment – and ultimately your bottom line!
This interactive workshop will share unique sustainable strategies and funding sources to incorporate – with data-driven case studies showing the direct financial impact of this approach. The goal of being environmentally responsible AND fiscally responsible really makes LOTS of “CENTS!”
Learning Objective #1:
Participants will understand how to maximize the impact of sustainability on both the environment and operating costs.
Learning Objective #2:
Participants will learn how to incorporate sustainability in the design and construction of new facilities.
Learning Objective #3:
Participants will learn how sustainable strategies that can lower operating costs can be incorporated into their current facilities.
Learning Objective #4:
Participants will become familiar with funding opportunities available to their districts for incorporating sustainability.
Learning Objective #5:
Engage in energy modeling techniques to maximize the building envelope, systems, and site conditions. All in an interactive Eco-Charrette.