Publish EDI Statement
- AIAIC to update its mission statement and include wording that the organization is committed to addressing the impact of racism and inequality within the profession.
- Update mission statement
Community Outreach
- AIAIC to proactively mentor local students in underrepresented groups and expose them to the architecture profession.
- Work with ACE
- Develop an AIAIC outreach program.
- Develop a scholarship to a high school individual from a disadvantaged community seeking to pursue a career in the architecture profession.
Organization Awareness
- AIAIC to actively discuss and advocate to correct the impacts of the systemic issues that limit the advancement of fellow minority architecture professionals.
- Dedicate at minimum one (1) monthly Chapter Program every year on EDI to increase knowledge and understanding.
- Provide emerging professionals access to leadership and professional growth programs to promote career advancements in the profession of architecture.
- Spotlight/promote minority architecture firms and individuals in our component through presidents’ message, social media, chapter events, etc.
Implement Diversity
- AIAIC to strive for increased diversity and inclusion in the architecture profession and in the leadership of the organization.
- Actively recruit minority professionals to the organization.
- Intentionally increase diversity in the organization. Establish a metric to achieve and maintain a diverse board.
Voted and recorded in the meeting minutes at the Board Meeting on June 9, 2021.
For Additional Resources please consult: AIA California EDI Toolkit