AIA California

Just Design – Innovation Summit

Staples Hall | California Baptist University 8432 Magnolia Dr, Riverside, California, United States

Just Design - Innovation Summit The Annual Riverside Public Innovation Lecture in Architecture Verdical Group Founder and CEO Drew Shula and CBU Architecture Program Director Keelan Kaiser will speak on […]


Monterey Design Conference

Every two years, the Monterey Design Conference brings together a diverse blend of globally recognized speakers to inspire and educate – all in scenic and vibrant location. In a retreat […]

Holiday Party and Photography Awards Celebration

The Mitten Building 345 N. 5th street, redlands, CA, United States

Please join us for our annual AIA Inland California Holiday Party and Photography Awards - An evening to Celebrate, Connect, and Be Inspired!

Need ZNCD Credit?

These courses offered by aecKnowledge are offered for free through support of AIA California! And as always, ADA continuing education is offered as a low-price option as well.

Earn your ADA CEU’s here!

These ADA and universal design courses are offered as webinars by aecKnowledge for a very reasonable price and feature our own AIAIC experts like Mark Graham! Also, by taking your […]

Design and Contract Tips in a Changing Environment

PBK Architects 8163 Rochester Avenue Suite 100, Room: Don Rice Training Center, Rancho Cucamonga, CA, United States

David E. Barker, Attorney at Collins & Collins, LLP, will provide key insights for design professionals navigating today's dynamic industry. Topics include essential contract requirements, high-risk clauses, legal provisions, and […]

The Fundamentals of Acoustics

Autex Acoustics 1630 Dan Kipper Dr, Riverside, United States

Please join us for the AIAIC March Program, Sponsored by the Producers’ Council of Southern California and Autex Acoustics. Earn 1 CEU (HSW) with this course on the intersection of […]